Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dental Rub Testimony

I have been no stranger to dental visits this year. In the time span of a little over a month I found out I had to get 3 old fillings replaced and on top of that I managed to break a filling, taking half of my tooth with it. After that emergency visit, I found out I needed to get my first crown. Now I like to think I have a pretty high pain tolerance but there is just something about mouth (and throat) pain that I just can not bear.
After my first appointment to get my crown fitting and a temporary cap put on I left the office in little pain, drooling from the anesthetic, but little pain. I remember the dental assistant saying it's going to feel like your out in the snow without a coat. I just smiled and nodded not really understanding what she meant. After the lidocaine wore off I wanted to cry I was in so much pain. The whole right side of my face was throbbing and I could feel my tooth pulsating. I was using ice packs and took a pain pill to try to manage my pain, unfortunately it barely helped. I looked over at my box of essential oils and thought something here has to help with this pain. Getting my laptop out I searched for dental pain blends when I came across a magical healing rub created by Patti over at Patti's Place.

The essential oil blend she came up with is as follows:

  • One teaspoon of a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO), Grapeseed Oil or Olive Oil.
  • 10 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil - to kill bacteria
  • 6 drops Myrrh Essential Oil - to heal
  • 3 drops Clove Oil - to numb
  • 1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil - to soothe

I stored this blend in one of my empty 5ml peppermint bottles. (If you don't have an empty bottle you can purchase one here: http://www.sparknaturals.com/shop/5ml-bottle/?affiliates=45 
I applied this blend several times to my tooth and surrounding gums. This rub was the only thing that helped me sleep that night. The next morning I was still in pain but it was much more tolerable. I still applied the rub every couple hours to keep the pain at bay. I can't thank Patti enough for sharing her dental rub blend!! I hope this testimony can help anyone else out who may be dealing with with tooth/gum pain.

All the essential oils, the FCO or Grapeseed oil found in this blend are available through Spark Naturals and receive an extra 10% off your order with code: Nature

Original posting on the dental rub: FOUND HERE
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1 comment :

  1. I'm so glad this helped you and thank you so much for sharing with others. It makes it all worthwhile when you see someone actually being helped and sharing that good news!
