Thursday, January 23, 2014

Lavender & Patchouli Body Wash

I love coming up with new essential oil creations, especially for a body wash! It is way cheaper than store bought plus I know what is going into my body wash. 
No harsh chemicals for me =) 

I LOVE the smell of patchouli, maybe it's the inner hippie in me ;) So I knew I could easily add this essential oil to my body wash plus adding the lavender essential oil in made for a great combo!

I used the same ingredients from my wake me up body wash post as the base, just subbing out the essential oils.
(Patchouli has a very strong smell so I definitely needed less drops to get a good result.)

Lavender & Patchouli Body Wash:
  • 1/2 Cup Castile Soap (I used baby mild this time since I was out of Lavender)
  • 1 tsp Vegetable Glycerin 
  • 5 drops Patchouli Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • Distilled / Purified Water
  • Foaming pump (Still reusing my old Method pump)
Add the Castile soap, Vegetable Glycerin, & essential oils into the foaming pump bottle and slowly add in the water, making sure to leave enough room for the pump to fit in. Give the blend a good swirl & you are ready to smell like Patchouli =)

This blend smells so wonderful to me, you can of course change the amounts of essential oils used to get your own desired scent. I find, after I shower, this leaves a subtle aroma of the blend on me throughout the day.

Get your essential oils through SPARK Naturals & as always receive an extra 10% off your order with code: Nature 

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