Monday, November 10, 2014

Baby Lew's Diaper Cream


I started using only organic coconut oil on my little lady's bum after she was born in lieu of the creams & pastes that can be store bought. This was working for awhile but once we started introducing solids, her butt didn't always agree to only coconut oil. Enter mom, who is making natural alternatives to anything she can. I have come up with a cream that is working wonders! So naturally I named it after my little darling, Elinor aka Baby Lew. I use these simple, natural ingredients for so many things and they never disappoint.This cream is also cloth diaper friendly!

INGREDIENTS: (This blend makes approximately 4 ounces)
1/4 Cup Organic Coconut oil
1/4 Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 TBS Organic Beeswax Pellets
1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil 

Spark naturals carries several glass jars you can use for storage, as well as the essential oils. As always get an extra 10% off your ENTIRE order at checkout with code: Nature

1. Add the coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax pellets into a glass mason jar.  Set the jar inside a saucepan filled almost halfway with water. Set to a medium-low heat, just enough to simmer & not boil. You want a slow melt here.
2.  Once completely melted, remove from heat, allow to cool, just as it begins to harden then add in Vitamin E & essential oils.  Stir all ingredients to combine. (a craft stick works great for stirring without losing some of the blend.)
3. Pour into jar(s), cover with a paper towel & allow to fully cool & harden.
Your Diaper Cream is now ready for use! 
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