Monday, September 7, 2015

Blackhead Banisher

EWW blackheads. .. .
No one likes those nasty black dots protruding from your pores. This was the one thing that has plagued my skin since high school, until I worked out a combo using essential oils that pretty much erases the unattractive goobers!
Many people use melalueca to dissolve their blackheads, but that just didn't work for me. =(  If you have had similar experiences and lost hope in finding something that may work, then maybe this will help you too!

Using a 1/8oz roller bottle add:

Before each use, simply give a nice shake and roll over your problem area(s), avoiding the eyes. At first I used this blend every other day until I noticed a significant improvement.  I now only use it about once every week or two and it keeps those little buggers at bay! You can definitely feel this blend tingling your pores. I love it but just giving a fair warning of what to expect. ;)  Here's to hoping your blackheads get banished too!

* Witch hazel is known for its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties.
* Rose Water is a by product of the distillation of the essential oil of roses and is used for its mild antiseptic and soothing properties.

I always share my love for Spark Naturals essential oils & other products because high quality is a top priority of theirs. (Everything needed for this blend can be found on their website.) Not all brands are created equal. If you choose to use their wonderful brand please use my coupon code: Nature at checkout to get an extra 10% off your order plus you are helping me out at the same time! win win =D Thank you!
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Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring Clean - Master Blend & Springtime Cleaning Spray

The beginning of the new life after the cold, the open windows allowing fresh air to circulate throughout the house, the birds serenading us with their sweet songs
. . .the wait for spring's beauty is finally over!

  Now comes time for the traditional task of spring cleaning. I love to give my home a thorough cleaning after the winter. Getting out all of the accumulative dust and freshening up the place feels liberating. In honor of Spring Cleaning I wanted to revamp my staple All Purpose & disinfecting Spray by creating an invigorating blend of essential oils for a "just plain clean" smell. I've been playing around with my growing collection of EOs to achieve the perfect scent and here's what I've decided on:  

White Fir - I LOVE the smell of fir trees! The scent is so refreshing and often one that many commercial cleaners try to imitate with artificial fragrances. Besides the great smell, White Fir essential oil also has the ability to fight germs and stimulate the mind while allowing the body to relax. Sounds like a powerhouse must for my blend!

Lemongrass - A beautiful tall grass that has a sweet lemony smell. The Essential oil is even more delightful. Some of its great properties are: antimicrobial, antibacterial, fungicidal, deodorizer, even insecticidal! And those are just the reasons I picked for cleaning. This oil has sooo many more health benefits.

Cilantro - Probably my favorite herb for cooking. So why would I chose it for cleaning? Cilantro EO is a powerful cleanser and detoxifier.

Citronella - Another popular grass with properties that are often used to repel mosquitoes. This essential oil is a great antibacterial & disinfectant.

Using essential oils in cleaning instead of artificial fragrances also gives you aromatherapy benefits such as: a greater sense of well being, relief from stress and anxiety, uplifting and energizing effects, and immune support.
After I picked out my oils I made a master blend in an empty EO bottle, rightfully naming it Spring Clean. ( When making blends I like to use a dropper top so that I have better control over the amount of drops. Spark Naturals carriers these in 5 packs for both their 15ml bottles found here & 5ml bottles found here. They also carry bottles with dropper tops if you don't have an empty one).

Spring Clean Master Blend
40 drops Spark Naturals White Fir
20 drops Spark Naturals Lemongrass
20 drops Spark Naturals Cilantro
20 drop Spark Naturals Citronella

So now that we have our blend all made up, lets put it to some use by making a . . .
Springtime Cleaning Spray:
1. Pour 1 cup of white distilled vinegar into a 24 ounce glass or PET bottle.
2. Add in 35+ drops of Spring Clean Master Blend (again I use a dropper top). Put the nozzle on and give it a nice shake before the next step.
3. Fill the rest of the way with distilled or purified water.
4. Give a little shake, spray surface and wipe clean

Now what can we use our Springtime Cleaning spray for you ask?
Here are just a few things I've tried out :

An all purpose spray for non-stone countertops
A window & mirror cleaner
Wiping down the fridge
Cleaning the floor
Wiping off knobs, handles,& cabinets
Cleaning outdoor patio furniture

Be mindful of quality:
I choose to use Spark Naturals EOs because they offer high quality oils at an impressive value. Not all Essential oil brands are created equally. Some may even contain additives or contaminants when labeled "natural" or "pure". Spark Naturals essential oils are not processed, diluted or manipulated in any way with solvents or other additives. I have put my trust in this company & they have not let me down. Their quality speaks for itself. I hope you decide to give them a try also! If so , please enjoy 10% off your ENTIRE order with coupon code: Nature.
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Monday, November 10, 2014

Baby Lew's Diaper Cream


I started using only organic coconut oil on my little lady's bum after she was born in lieu of the creams & pastes that can be store bought. This was working for awhile but once we started introducing solids, her butt didn't always agree to only coconut oil. Enter mom, who is making natural alternatives to anything she can. I have come up with a cream that is working wonders! So naturally I named it after my little darling, Elinor aka Baby Lew. I use these simple, natural ingredients for so many things and they never disappoint.This cream is also cloth diaper friendly!

INGREDIENTS: (This blend makes approximately 4 ounces)
1/4 Cup Organic Coconut oil
1/4 Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 TBS Organic Beeswax Pellets
1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil 

Spark naturals carries several glass jars you can use for storage, as well as the essential oils. As always get an extra 10% off your ENTIRE order at checkout with code: Nature

1. Add the coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax pellets into a glass mason jar.  Set the jar inside a saucepan filled almost halfway with water. Set to a medium-low heat, just enough to simmer & not boil. You want a slow melt here.
2.  Once completely melted, remove from heat, allow to cool, just as it begins to harden then add in Vitamin E & essential oils.  Stir all ingredients to combine. (a craft stick works great for stirring without losing some of the blend.)
3. Pour into jar(s), cover with a paper towel & allow to fully cool & harden.
Your Diaper Cream is now ready for use! 
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Friday, August 22, 2014

Lavender Baby Wash

My sweet little lady (now 3 months) had baby rash aka baby acne shortly after she was born. Her pediatrician recommended using Dr. Bronner's baby mild instead of a popular brand baby wash since her skin was more sensitive. I smiled at her and said I had already been using it in the blend I am about to share. She said that it sounded like a great baby wash. Knowing her pediatrician even approved made me extra happy. 

As for tear-free, this blend is NOT. However, I don't find it hard to not get baby wash into my baby's eyes. I always wash her face first with plain water, then add soap to her wash cloth for her body. I do use this to wash her hair also. Again I just make sure it doesn't get into her eyes.

 - 1/4 cup Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Soap
 - 1 TBS Jojoba oil
 - 1/4 tsp Vitamin E oil
 - 10 drops Spark Naturals Lavender Essential oil
 - distilled or purified water
 - 10oz foaming pump bottle

Add the 1st four ingredients to the bottle, swirl to blend, then slowly add in the water. Put the pump on and give the wash a good shake.

Since using this wash I've also noticed my little lady never lost any hair. I know my son did and I've heard it was common for babies to lose hair but she hasn't, even with getting cradle cap. Wondering if there is something in commercial baby wash that causes this to happen? 

After bath time I "lotion" her up with organic coconut oil, making her skin silky smooth. I put this on her face as well and it helped clear her baby acne way faster than when I used aquaphor for my son.

Another bonus use for organic coconut oil is applying it to baby's scalp when they have cradle cap. After liberally massaging the scalp with the coconut oil, thoroughly brush baby's hair and then wash just like you would with the nasty petroleum based baby oil that is often recommended. 

Don't forget your 10% off at Spark Naturals when using coupon code: Nature
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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

DIY Baby Wipes


I definitely like to be frugal, who doesn't enjoy saving money?! But I also like to make it a priority to use natural ingredients, especially on our bodies. I have used this "formula" with my first baby (now almost 4) with great success. Now baby #2 is here and I've started making these natural baby wipes again & I have decided to add some essential oils to my blend for extra antibacterial properties!! They also help add a nicer smell to the wipes, always a plus =)

What you'll need:
a roll of paper towels, cut in 1/2 horizontally. I prefer the select a size towels to get more wipes, whichever type you choose, do not skimp out and get the cheapest brand. They need to be able to hold up!
2 & 1/4 cups distilled water
2 tablespoons melted organic coconut oil
1 tablespoon Dr. Bronner's baby mild castile soap
1 TBS alcohol free witch hazel
5 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Melalueca essential oil
an air tight container to store the paper towels in

** Spark Naturals is a great place to get high quality essential oils. Clicking either link will take you directly to that particular oil. At the time I made this blend Spark Naturals did not carry alcohol free witch hazel, but now they do!! And at a great price! Clicking the link for the witch hazel will also take you directly to their product. Don't forget to save an extra 10% off your entire order through Spark Naturals when you use coupon: Nature at checkout

1. Place your 1/2 roll of paper towels in your air tight container.
2. In a separate small bowl add the melted coconut oil, castile soap, witch hazel, & essential oils. Stir together.
3. Pour 1 cup of your water evenly over the paper towels.  Next, pour the mixture evenly over the paper towels. Lastly, pour the other 1 1/4 cups of water over the paper towels & cover with the lid.
4. Wait 15 minutes for the blend to saturate the paper towels, remove the lid and you should easily be able to pull out the center tube. This also brings up the first paper towel to start.


  • Using distilled water will help to prevent molding. If you don't have access to this make sure to boil & allow water to cool.
  • Dr. Bronner's unscented baby mild is my go to baby wash because it is pure & gentle, making it the perfect fit for cleaning the baby's little bum.
  • Witch hazel acts as a preservative & is also soothing on the skin
  • Coconut oil is works as the moisturizer as well as having antibacterial properties
  • The essential oils I chose are antibacterial and help to heal irritated skin & assist in relieving/preventing diaper rash.

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Friday, April 4, 2014

DIY Natural "Neosporin" Plus

I call this natural neosporin plus because it can be used for more than just cuts & scrapes. I have found other uses, such as:
  •  soothing bug bites
  •  minor burns
  •  dry/irritated nostrils (that come with the common cold)
  • dry skin, especially knees & elbows 
  • Also works for an all natural chapstick
This blend will make approximately 2 ounces.
2 TBS organic coconut oil
2 TBS organic extra virgin olive oil
1 TBS organic beeswax pellets
1/4 tsp Vitamin E oil 
10 drops Lavender essential oil 
8 drops Frankincense essential oil 
6 drops Lemon essential oil
6 drops Melaleuca essential oil
I purchase my essential oils through Spark Naturals because they offer high-quality, PURE essential oils. Clicking on each oil link will take you directly to that particular oil. Get 10% off your entire purchase @ Spark Naturals with coupon code: Nature 
Spark Naturals also sells 1 ounce glass jars as well as many other accessories (which the discount can also be applied also!)


1. Add the coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax pellets into a glass mason jar. (a 4oz jelly jar is large enough) Set the jar inside a saucepan filled almost halfway with water. Set to a medium-low heat, just enough to simmer & not boil. You want a slow melt here. 

2.  Once completely melted, remove from heat, allow to cool, just as it begins to harden then add in Vitamin E &the essential oils.  Stir all ingredients to combine. (a craft stick works great for stirring without losing some of the blend.)

3. Pour into jars, tins, or lip balm tubes, cover with a paper towel & allow to fully cool & harden. You could also just leave the blend in the jelly jar. I like to separate it so I can keep a little tin in my purse.
After the ointment has set, it is ready to use!

* All these essential oils are antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal.
Frankincense & Lemon also act as a coagulant, helping to stop bleeding from cuts/scrapes. Frankincense & Lavender also help aid in scar reduction.
* Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal & a moisturizer.
* Extra Virgin Olive Oil is filled with antioxidants & contains oleic acid - this substance easily penetrates the skin, and allows the oil to heal damage and improve texture.
* Beeswax helps to create a barrier over the skin to heal and protect.
* Vitamin E helps to prolong the shelf life.

When dealing with cuts & scrapes I generally like to use my boo boo spray first to clean the wound then follow up with this blend to seal and protect the area. 

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bedtime Linen Spray

Looking to get a relaxing night's sleep?  Have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Here is my favorite linen spray combo I've created to spray on my pillowcases & sheets before I retire for the night. It smells SOOOO good and every time I use this spray I have a peaceful night's sleep. Another easy method for a great night's sleep is to diffuse Lavender & Vetiver at night.  

Lavender - Use aromatically for a calming effect. Helps assist with stress and other mental strains.
Vetiver - Use aromatically to calm anger and irritability along with relieve insomnia.
  Bliss (a proprietary blend of Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood and Vanilla) - Use aromatically to help reduce the effects of stress on our bodies. Helps to induce a soothing, restful sleep.

2oz Glass Spray Bottle
- 18 drops Lavender
- 7 drops Vetiver
- 5 drops Bliss
- 1/2 tsp witch hazel
- distilled water

Add witch hazel & essential oils into 2oz glass spray bottle & gently swirl to combine. Then top off the bottle with distilled water. 

As always receive 10% off your ENTIRE purchase @ Spark Naturals with coupon code: Nature

- 8 drops Lavender
- 2 drops Vetiver

Add recommended amount of water your diffuser suggests and then drop in the essential oils. 

Spark Naturals also carries a variety of great diffusers
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