Tuesday, October 15, 2013

DIY Soft Scrub for cleaning

I have read and tried several versions of DIY soft scrubs, mainly found on Pinterest. Some worked ok, some cleaned well but I didn't like the texture, some just used too many ingredients, and some mixed ingredients that I later found out shouldn't have been mixed (ex: castile soap & vinegar). So I decided to come up with my own SIMPLE mixture that cleans very well and is also antibacterial!!

* Glass Mason Jar (I love my little half pint wide mouth jars)
* 3/4 Cup Baking Soda
* 1/4 Cup Dr. Bronner's Citrus Orange Castile Soap
* 1.5 Tablespoons Water
* 10 drops Melaleuca essential oil
* 5 drops Peppermint essential oil (optional but I love the smell)

I have used this soft scrub for cleaning my bath tub, toilet, bathroom sink, stainless steel kitchen sink, it even surprisingly cleans spaghetti stains from plastic tupperware!!

Some before & after pics:

Get your PURE essential oils from Spark Naturals & get an extra 10% off your order with coupon code: Nature
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