Friday, October 25, 2013

Natural Leather Cleaning & Conditioning

I own a leather couch and chair. I love the look, feel, and comfort of leather but leather needs to be treated to prevent splits and cracks. Commercial wipes and cleaner can get expensive, so why not use an all natural blend you can easily make at home!

Leather Cleaning & Conditioning Blend:
- 4 Cups warm water
- 1 TBS Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Soap (Lavender Castile would be another great choice)
- 1/2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 6 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Mix all the ingredients in a small bucket or bowl and use an old rag(s) to buff your furniture. Wipe off excess water, allow to dry and enjoy the clean smell and look to your leather. 

Here is a picture of two of my couch cushions side by side. You can notice a huge difference after the cleaning:

I recommend using this blend atleast once a month. My furniture was handed down to us by my grandma & since we have owned it 8 years. Before I created this blend my furniture was in a rough state and having 4 cats who love to scratch and run across it didn't help at all. Since cleaning / conditioning regularly I have noticed an improvement and it has helped keep this furniture going. Here's to a few more good years!! =)
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