Sunday, August 25, 2013

Starting my Journey

My path to using all natural products started when I became pregnant with my 1st baby, just over 3 years ago now. I, like any other mommy-to-be, wanted only the best for my little one. I quickly learned that some of the products I was using contained potentially harmful chemicals in them and I no longer wanted to use them on my body or in my home. From make-up to cleaning supplies, I began to rid my home of any product that contained: phthalates, parabens or the words fragrance or parfum/perfume. 
I used this website: to help me weed through all the makeup, shampoos & conditioners, hair care products, soaps, deodorant, perfumes, & eventually even toothpaste! They have a lot of great information throughout their whole website.
I have replaced all my beauty & cleaning products with vinegar, baking soda, Castile soap, coconut oil & PURE essential oils & I will never go back. I hope you too will start to look at your products, educate yourself on the ingredients they contain and change your life for the natural.
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