Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ways to use SPARK Naturals Essential Oils

There are 3 ways pure, therapeutic grade essential oils can be used: Aromatically, Topically, or Internally

*NOTE* My experiences are with SPARK Naturals certified pure pharmagrade essential oils. (see bottom of page for more into on pharmagrade)  I can only recommend these uses with this brand of Essential Oils. Not all brands are of high quality or without additives.

My favorite method of aromatic use is by a diffuser.  Diffusing essential oils can kill airborne pathogens, rid of odors, improve mental clarity, soothe emotions and enhance mood. The more you diffuse the more you strengthen your immune system. Everyone in the house benefits from this method.
Other methods to use:
The cup and inhale technique: In this method you place 1-2 drops of an EO along with equal amounts of a carrier oil in the palms of your hands, rub together, then cup your hands and inhale deeply.  You can then wipe the excess on the back of your neck and/or behind ears your ears for a continual effect.
A spray: Simply add a few drops of essential oil(s) in a spray bottle along with distilled water and spritz around the room. Glass bottles are always a preferred accessory when using EOs.
Steaming: Add a few drops of EO(s) to a bowl of hot water, place a towel over your head and breathe in the vapors. Great for sinus problems.
Clay pendents or aromatherapy necklaces: You can purchase or make a clay pendant and add a drop of EO onto it to experience its properties all day. Aromatherapy necklaces are usually a vile that you can add the EOs into and inhale them throughout the day. 

 Essential oils are absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing.  Your feet contain the largest pores on your body and is the go-to part of your body to allow the EOs to quickly enter. You can also apply the EOs to the area of your body where you are experiencing the ailment, excluding direct contact to the eyes or dropped into the ears or nose.
Massage is a common use for topical application. This is achieved simply by mixing one or more of your EOs with a carrier oil and massaging them into the affected area. Carrier oils help spread the EO over larger areas. Some carrier oils I enjoy are: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and almond oil. After the massage a compress may also be a beneficial technique to further help. Hot compresses are great for sore backs, cramps and toothaches. Cold compresses help with headaches, swelling & sprains. Allow the compress to sit until it reaches your body temperature.
 Adding the EOs & carrier oil into a glass roller bottle is another way to apply them. It definitely makes it easier for a quick swipe. If adding to a roller bottle I recommend FCO (Fractionated coconut oil). Don't use regular coconut oil as it hardens and would be difficult to roll out. ;)
 Besides massage adding essential oils to a bath can make for a relaxing experience. Before putting the oils into the bath water, add them to some Epsom salts first. This will prevent the oils from pooling in one area of the tub. Do not use more than 2 drops of the following essential oils when used in a bath – these oils can create irritation in hot water:
  • Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint    SOURCE
**Essential Oils are also wonderful for our babies and small children. Since their skin is more sensitive it is recommended that you dilute the EOs well with a carrier oil.  Also remember they may touch their eyes so after application be sure to cover their feet with socks or other areas with clothing.
*** Avoid direct exposure to sunlight when using citrus oils on the skin. The oils do not cause skin sensitivity, but when applied and skin is exposed to ultra violet (UV) light, sun sensitivity may occur.

This is the most controversial method of using essential oils. I personally do not ingest essential oils. They are VERY potent and I feel if ingesting is a path you would like to take then please speak with a certified aromatherapist first. If you do choose to take an EO internally make sure you read the bottle to be sure it can be taken internally. The SPARK Naturals EOs will say for dietary use if they can be ingested. The EOs I know of that CAN NOT be taken internally are: Wintergreen & Cypress. You can also check out the following list of FDA GRAS (generally regarded as safe) oils:  Click Here for FDA Link for GRAS Essential Oils for consumption

*NOTE* Some oils should be avoided during pregnancy, unless approved by your doctor:
  • Marjoram
  • Rosemary
  • Peppermint
  • Wintergreen
  • Oregano  SOURCE 
  • Clary Sage should always be avoided during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions.
I am posting a link back to SPARK Naturals website for their guidelines of safe use Click Here 

What is Pharmagrade?
Spark Naturals  products are Certified Pure PharmaGrade – CPPG™ – a physical standard ensuring our products are of the appropriate identity, strength, quality, purity, and consistency standards used internationally for quality and purity. Our raw materials are tested and authenticated to be of pharmaceutical grade purity. Spark Naturals likes to deal with facts; our goal is to educate the public about health issues, offer serious alternatives and provide luxury products backed by facts – not advertising or business opportunity ploys or gimmicks.  We offer CPPG™ products – luxury products intelligently priced.  CPPG™ is our quality commitment – we will offer only those products for which we can ensure our commitment to true quality – our commitment to luxury, intelligently priced. SOURCE

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