Monday, August 26, 2013

Why I Chose SPARK Naturals Essential Oils

 I started using essential oils after seeing a pin on Pinterest for an all natural calming spray using Lavender & Rosemary EOs (Essential Oils). I thought even if it doesn't calm atleast it would smell good plus it would be a great alternative to synthetic air fresheners. At this point I didn't know much about different brands of EOs or question their purity. So I went out, purchased the cheaper EOs that I could find, came home, made up the "recipe" & started spraying around the house. I sat back and enjoyed the aroma.
After making this blend up a few times I wanted to take things a step further and try some on my skin for a perfume. Before I did I really started to read the bottle. On the front it says 100% pure but on the back it warns to carefully dilute with a carrier oil. I thought if it is so pure why can't I use it directly on my skin? Maybe there are additives?  Maybe they were cheaper for a reason.

So I started to do a little more research about Essential Oils, this is when I found a GREAT resource, Rebecca over at Camp Wander. She has so much experience and knowledge with EOs. At the time she recommended using DoTerra brand. I quickly went to their site and was discouraged by their high prices. If you wanted to get a discount, you had to join their MLM Company, which also meant you had to pay to join & maintain certain quotas. This wasn't for me. While I don't doubt the power of their oils, I just couldn't afford them.

A few months ago Rebecca started talking about a new brand, SPARK Naturals. I went to check out their site and wow, AFFORDABLE! Plus they offered a 5ml & 15ml size, making them even more reasonably priced. Questioning their purity?  From their website I read this:
Essential Oils are the naturally occurring volatile oils obtained by steam distillation or cold pressing (expression), having the beneficial traits and aroma of the plant part from which they are derived. These 100% pure oils are not processed, diluted or manipulated in any way with solvents or other additives. Although a particular species of plant, harvested, and distilled for its essential oil during a particular growing season in a specific region, may produce a fragrance differing from the same species grown in a different region, many of the main necessary chemical markers and physical specifications will be very similar. Source

After reading this I was sold, I had to try them out. So I decided to order the health & wellness kit which included the same EOs I already bought and when they arrived, I could smell the difference! They were much more powerful (proof of purity?) And guess what? I could put these oils directly on my skin without fearing what may happen. I also noticed I didn't have to use as many drops to achieve the same air refreshing effect as the previous brand I had!

This company has changed my life & I want you to be able to try them out too! Order ANYTHING from their site (excluding the oil of the month club) and receive a 10% discount using my code: Nature

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