Thursday, December 12, 2013

DIY Facial Cleanser & Toner in 1, PLUS a Spark Naturals Spot Treatment blend

Finding an all natural face cleaner that worked proved to be harder than I thought. Creating one, not so much. Melaleuca is a natural antiseptic for the face best known for treating acne so of course this was the first thing I thought of to add to my blend. Lavender is a very soothing oil that is known to help settle inflammation. Geranium also helps to soothe inflammation & irritated skin, plus helps to balance sebum production, making it a great oil for either oily or dry skin. Frankincense is known to help with many skin conditions from acne to wrinkles. And lastly, using an alcohol-free witch hazel (a natural toner/astringent) helps to cleanse & tighten skin.

Facial Cleanser & Toner in 1:
2oz glass spray bottle 
10 drops Melaleuca essential oil
6 drops Lavender essential oil
4 drops Geranium essential oil 
3 drops Frankincense essential oil
Thayer's Alcohol-free witch hazel
Cotton Rounds

Drip the EOs into the spray bottle and fill the rest with Thayer's witch hazel. Put the spray top on and gently shake to blend everything together. I again do a gentle shake the next time I use the spray.
I use this blend daily. Just spray it a few times onto the round and wipe across face. I usually turn the round over spray again and wipe across another time. You will most likely want to do that too when you see the dirt it removes from your face!

After I clean my face I use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil on my face for a moisturizer. Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal & doesn't clog pores. Keep in mind a small amount goes a long way. ;)
My favorite coconut oil!
A new blend I'm excited to try out as a spot treatment for blemishes:
(found on the Spark Naturals Facebook page):
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
12 drops Spark Naturals Geranium Essential Oil
10 drops Spark Naturals Lavender Essential Oil
7 drops Spark Naturals Melaleuca Essential Oil
Blend all the oils and gel together thoroughly and apply to blemish areas twice daily after cleaning the skin.
**Do not use around the eyes.

Get all these oils & the bottles/Jars you need to hold them from Spark Naturals, plus get an extra 10% off with code: Nature 
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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oregano Vs. Amoxicillin

I just wanted to share this awesome video that proves oregano essential oil is more powerful at killing bacteria than amoxicillin. It is truly amazing what these pure oils can do in our lives.

I use oregano essential oil in part of my cold/flu blend to knock out a nasty cold! It has worked wonderfully for my family and we don't have to use any prescription or over the counter drugs! Here is my post on this blend:
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Monday, November 25, 2013

Wake Me Up Body Wash

Looking to make a nice natural body wash that not only smells divine & leaves your skin soft but also gives you a little energy boost? Try out this blend I've created:


  • 1/2 Cup Lavender Castile Soap 
  • 1 tsp Vegetable Glycerin 
  • 12 drops Wild Orange Essential Oil
  • 12 drops Lavender Essential Oil
  • Distilled / Purified Water
  • Foaming pump (I've been reusing an old Method pump)

I added the first four ingredients to the foaming pump bottle and slowly added in the water, making sure to leave enough room for the pump to fit in. Give the blend a good swirl and take this body wash into the shower with you for a great pick me up!

As always get your Spark Naturals essential oils with an extra 10% your order, 
Just use code: Nature at checkout
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dental Rub Testimony

I have been no stranger to dental visits this year. In the time span of a little over a month I found out I had to get 3 old fillings replaced and on top of that I managed to break a filling, taking half of my tooth with it. After that emergency visit, I found out I needed to get my first crown. Now I like to think I have a pretty high pain tolerance but there is just something about mouth (and throat) pain that I just can not bear.
After my first appointment to get my crown fitting and a temporary cap put on I left the office in little pain, drooling from the anesthetic, but little pain. I remember the dental assistant saying it's going to feel like your out in the snow without a coat. I just smiled and nodded not really understanding what she meant. After the lidocaine wore off I wanted to cry I was in so much pain. The whole right side of my face was throbbing and I could feel my tooth pulsating. I was using ice packs and took a pain pill to try to manage my pain, unfortunately it barely helped. I looked over at my box of essential oils and thought something here has to help with this pain. Getting my laptop out I searched for dental pain blends when I came across a magical healing rub created by Patti over at Patti's Place.

The essential oil blend she came up with is as follows:

  • One teaspoon of a carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO), Grapeseed Oil or Olive Oil.
  • 10 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil - to kill bacteria
  • 6 drops Myrrh Essential Oil - to heal
  • 3 drops Clove Oil - to numb
  • 1 drop Peppermint Essential Oil - to soothe

I stored this blend in one of my empty 5ml peppermint bottles. (If you don't have an empty bottle you can purchase one here: 
I applied this blend several times to my tooth and surrounding gums. This rub was the only thing that helped me sleep that night. The next morning I was still in pain but it was much more tolerable. I still applied the rub every couple hours to keep the pain at bay. I can't thank Patti enough for sharing her dental rub blend!! I hope this testimony can help anyone else out who may be dealing with with tooth/gum pain.

All the essential oils, the FCO or Grapeseed oil found in this blend are available through Spark Naturals and receive an extra 10% off your order with code: Nature

Original posting on the dental rub: FOUND HERE
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Monday, November 18, 2013

Simple Disinfecting/All Purpose Cleaning Spray

Did you know you can use non toxic ingredients to clean & disinfect your surfaces?
The following blend has the ability to sanitize, kill bacteria, it is anti-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-viral.

All Purpose & Disinfecting Spray:
1/2 cup distilled Water
3 cups Vinegar
8 drops Melaleuca
8 drops Lemon

I got a cheap dollar store spray bottle, kept the sprayer and recycled the bottle, then used an old glass brandy bottle to put my mix in. The sprayer fit the brandy bottle perfectly. It is a little heavier but I love the way it looks. Just spray surface and wipe away.

(I prefer to use less water to vinegar than other blends. I find it is less streaky this way.)

**This blend is not recommended for natural stone surfaces.**

Get your high quality essential oils @ SPARK Naturals and save 10% off your total order with coupon code: Nature

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Friday, November 1, 2013

2 Ingredient DIY Carpet Fresh

Artificial fragrances are no good for our bodies or the environment so here's one more thing you can eliminate from your chemical filled cleaning supplies by easily creating yourself: Carpet Fresh. 

All you need to deodorize & freshen your carpet are two natural ingredients:

* Baking Soda
* Essential Oil of your choice

STEP 1: Add 1 1/2 Cups of baking soda into a food processor or blender, then drop in your essential oils. For this batch I used Lavender. You can use whichever oils you'd like or even make a blend. I found 20 drops was a good amount, you can adjust to your liking.

STEP 2: Put the lid on and pulsate the baking soda & essential oils to thoroughly blend and break up the mix into a fine powder.

STEP 3: Pour your mix into your container of choice. I found a 1 pint mason jar worked perfectly for this. I easily made holes in the top with a small nail and a hammer.

STEP 4: Sprinkle on carpet and wait about an hour for the mixture to work its magic.

STEP 5: Vacuum!

I always prefer to use Spark Naturals Essential oils for their high quality and purity. If you would like to give them a try, get an extra 10% off your entire order with code: Nature
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Natural Leather Cleaning & Conditioning

I own a leather couch and chair. I love the look, feel, and comfort of leather but leather needs to be treated to prevent splits and cracks. Commercial wipes and cleaner can get expensive, so why not use an all natural blend you can easily make at home!

Leather Cleaning & Conditioning Blend:
- 4 Cups warm water
- 1 TBS Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castile Soap (Lavender Castile would be another great choice)
- 1/2 TBS Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 6 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Mix all the ingredients in a small bucket or bowl and use an old rag(s) to buff your furniture. Wipe off excess water, allow to dry and enjoy the clean smell and look to your leather. 

Here is a picture of two of my couch cushions side by side. You can notice a huge difference after the cleaning:

I recommend using this blend atleast once a month. My furniture was handed down to us by my grandma & since we have owned it 8 years. Before I created this blend my furniture was in a rough state and having 4 cats who love to scratch and run across it didn't help at all. Since cleaning / conditioning regularly I have noticed an improvement and it has helped keep this furniture going. Here's to a few more good years!! =)
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

DIY Soft Scrub for cleaning

I have read and tried several versions of DIY soft scrubs, mainly found on Pinterest. Some worked ok, some cleaned well but I didn't like the texture, some just used too many ingredients, and some mixed ingredients that I later found out shouldn't have been mixed (ex: castile soap & vinegar). So I decided to come up with my own SIMPLE mixture that cleans very well and is also antibacterial!!

* Glass Mason Jar (I love my little half pint wide mouth jars)
* 3/4 Cup Baking Soda
* 1/4 Cup Dr. Bronner's Citrus Orange Castile Soap
* 1.5 Tablespoons Water
* 10 drops Melaleuca essential oil
* 5 drops Peppermint essential oil (optional but I love the smell)

I have used this soft scrub for cleaning my bath tub, toilet, bathroom sink, stainless steel kitchen sink, it even surprisingly cleans spaghetti stains from plastic tupperware!!

Some before & after pics:

Get your PURE essential oils from Spark Naturals & get an extra 10% off your order with coupon code: Nature
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lemony Fresh Dish Soap

I think I am one of the few who do not own a dishwasher, so needless to say I use my good ole hands for cleaning my dishes. I prefer to use Castile soap because is it biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a great alternative for you and the environment! This type of soap doesn't suds up like typical soap since it doesn't contain any foaming agents AKA sulfates but don't let this fool you, my dishes are just as clean, if not cleaner than when I used dawn.

Now trying to clean without the suds can make you think you need to use more soap. A solution I've found is to use a foaming pump bottle. I actually took this a step further to make my bottle look a bit prettier. I used a 1/2 pint glass mason jar instead of the plastic bottle and cut a hole in the lid just big enough to fit my pump in, you may need to trim the straw portion of the pump to fit. Then use some hot glue on the underside of the lid to secure the pump. Of course wait for this to dry before making the dish soap recipe. ;)

- Dr. Bronner's Citrus Orange Castile Soap
- 7 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil (added for antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, & disinfecting properties)
- 9 drops Lemon Essential Oil (added for antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic & disinfecting properties)
- distilled or purified water

Fill the jar/bottle up 1/2 way with the Castile soap, add in the essential oils, then fill the rest of the way with the water, making sure to leave enough room for the pump. Give the bottle a good swirl to blend all the ingredients.  Now your ready to wash away!

Get your essential oils @ Spark Naturals and use coupon code: Nature to receive an extra 10% off!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

cold season is a comin'

It's getting to be that time of year. ... beautiful colors, cooler weather, festive activities & unfortunate illness.

Essential oils can be a big help in making it through this season. 
Both as a preventative and as a healing staple. 

More than a billion cold cases are reported every year in the United States alone, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The common cold is caused by a virus that is spread through tiny droplets released into the air every time someone infected coughs, sneezes or blows their nose.

How can you eliminate those airborne pathogens in your home and build your immune system?
A diffuser uses a cool mist of water along with the essential oil(s) to release micro-particles and disperse them into the air. 

What essential oil blend is great to diffuse? 
6-8 drops of SHIELD

Spark Naturals potent SHIELD blend contains these essential oils: Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary. This blend not only stops the growth of viruses and bacteria but it also helps aid in ridding the area of mold and fungi. 

In addition to diffusing, 
here's a great protective/healing blend to roll on the bottoms of your feet:
In a 1/8 oz roller bottle add the following essential oils:
20 drops of SHIELD
20 drops of Melaleuca 
20 drops of Oregano 
Fill the rest of the bottle with FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil)

I have used this blend twice so far with my son's colds with healing results in 4 days and then 3 days, without the need for over the counter or prescribed medications. At the onset of his cold, I rolled this blend every 3 hours onto the bottoms of his feet. I also used this blend on the bottoms of my feet to prevent catching his cold & it worked. I prefer the steel ball roller bottles as they glide very smoothly compared to the plastic ones. Spark Naturals carries these hard to find bottles! 
**Always keep your essential oils and blends out of direct sunlight as this can break them down**
HOORAY for natural healing!

All essential oils used as well as diffusers, roller bottles, and FCO can be purchased through Spark Naturals and receive an extra 10% off your order with coupon code: Nature

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Cleaning your cutting board!

These instructions are from the Spark Naturals Facebook Page. You can like them here: Spark Naturals on Facebook to get more great tips for their amazing oils. 
For an extra 10% off your order @ Spark Naturals use coupon code: Nature

Do you love using a wooden cutting board but worry about what germs are left behind? 
Here is a great way to really get your cutting board clean plus leave it smelling lemony fresh!


Coarse Salt
Spark Naturals Lemon Essential Oil

1. Sprinkle a layer of coarse salt, such as Kosher salt, over your wood cutting board.

2. Take your bottle of Spark Naturals Lemon Essential oil and sprinkle 15-20 drops around on the cutting board. 
(my cutting board is on the smaller side so I used about 10 drops)

3. Use a scrub brush and a little elbow grease to scour the board for a few minutes. The acid in the lemon oil will disinfect the board and the abrasive action of the salt will get rid of any tiny food remnants or stains that still cling to the board. If you chop foods on both sides of the board, be sure to clean them both.

4. Thoroughly rinse the board with hot water.

5. Make sure the board dries in an upright position. Excess moisture can quickly turn your wooden chopping accessory into a bacteria cafeteria. Allowing the board to dry in a vertical position will ensure that moisture leaves the board.

Break out this cleaning method on your board about once a week. For everyday use, wash your board with a mild soap or a solution of one part vinegar and one part water. The vinegar will disinfect the board and remove any lingering odors from foods, such as the delicious, but potent onions and garlic.

To prolong the life of your cutting board, oil it every so often with beeswax, or walnut, almond, mineral oil. Constant cleaning will strip natural oils from the board, which can cause it to crack. So oil it up.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Hand Sanitizer using SHIELD essential Oil blend

Looking to make an all natural hand sanitizer? All you need are 2 ingredients:
Water & Spark Naturals Shield protective blend!

In a 1oz spray bottle add 15 drops of Shield and fill the rest of the bottle up with distilled or purified water. Put the cap on, gently shake, and spray! Give a gentle shake before each use.

SHIELD is a blend of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary Essential Oils.
Now you can have the protection against germs without the use of alcohol or chemicals.
Spray hands, shopping carts, tables, toys, anything you need for quick disinfecting.

Looking to make this hand sanitizer a little more moisturizing for your skin? 
Just replace the half of the water used with FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil).
FCO is also available at Spark Naturals, under their E-Spa category or click the picture below:
 Get an extra 10% off your SPARK Naturals order with coupon code: Nature

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Boo Boo Spray

My homemade, all natural recipe blend for boo boos. This mixture is so versatile that we have used it for cuts, scrapes, bruises, burns, bug bites, diaper/butt rash, even deodorant in a pinch, and that is just so far!
Everything used in this spray, excluding the witch hazel, can be purchased through spark naturals. 
Don't forget an extra 10% off with coupon code: Nature
Supplies needed:
2oz spray bottle
20 drops Lavender 
10 drops Geranium
            20 drops Melaleuca (aka tea tree oil)
15 drops Frankincense 
Alcohol-free witch hazel (I prefer Thayer's brand)

Simply add all the essential oils into the 2oz bottle then top off with the alcohol-free witch hazel. Screw the sprayer on and gently shake to blend the EOs. I like to give the bottle a gentle shake each time before I spray. 
I also pour a little of the premade blend into a smaller spray bottle to keep in my purse. 
    Why did I choose these particular oils? 
Lavender - calming & soothing while healing. Just some of Lavender's properties: Antiseptic, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiviral, Bactericide

GeraniumA popular essential oil in skin products due to its healing properties. Also helps to stop bleeding. Some of geranium's properties include: Astringent, Analgesic, Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Sedative, Tonic and Relaxing. 

Melaleuca - I like to think of it as the natural Neosporin. It has the ability to kill many bacteria, viruses, and fungi on contact. Some properties are:  Antimicrobial, Antiseptic, Antiviral, Fungicide, Insecticide. 

Frankincense - Helps to enhance the other oils it is combined with. This is one of my favorite oils as it is helpful for so many things. Some of its properties are: Antiseptic, Astringent, Anti-fungal, Deodorant, Sedative, Cellular Protection and Vasoconstrictor. 
Lavender, geranium & frankincense also help aid in scar reduction. 


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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ways to use SPARK Naturals Essential Oils

There are 3 ways pure, therapeutic grade essential oils can be used: Aromatically, Topically, or Internally

*NOTE* My experiences are with SPARK Naturals certified pure pharmagrade essential oils. (see bottom of page for more into on pharmagrade)  I can only recommend these uses with this brand of Essential Oils. Not all brands are of high quality or without additives.

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Why I Chose SPARK Naturals Essential Oils

 I started using essential oils after seeing a pin on Pinterest for an all natural calming spray using Lavender & Rosemary EOs (Essential Oils). I thought even if it doesn't calm atleast it would smell good plus it would be a great alternative to synthetic air fresheners. At this point I didn't know much about different brands of EOs or question their purity. So I went out, purchased the cheaper EOs that I could find, came home, made up the "recipe" & started spraying around the house. I sat back and enjoyed the aroma.
After making this blend up a few times I wanted to take things a step further and try some on my skin for a perfume. Before I did I really started to read the bottle. On the front it says 100% pure but on the back it warns to carefully dilute with a carrier oil. I thought if it is so pure why can't I use it directly on my skin? Maybe there are additives?  Maybe they were cheaper for a reason.

So I started to do a little more research about Essential Oils, this is when I found a GREAT resource, Rebecca over at Camp Wander. She has so much experience and knowledge with EOs. At the time she recommended using DoTerra brand. I quickly went to their site and was discouraged by their high prices. If you wanted to get a discount, you had to join their MLM Company, which also meant you had to pay to join & maintain certain quotas. This wasn't for me. While I don't doubt the power of their oils, I just couldn't afford them.

A few months ago Rebecca started talking about a new brand, SPARK Naturals. I went to check out their site and wow, AFFORDABLE! Plus they offered a 5ml & 15ml size, making them even more reasonably priced. Questioning their purity?  From their website I read this:
Essential Oils are the naturally occurring volatile oils obtained by steam distillation or cold pressing (expression), having the beneficial traits and aroma of the plant part from which they are derived. These 100% pure oils are not processed, diluted or manipulated in any way with solvents or other additives. Although a particular species of plant, harvested, and distilled for its essential oil during a particular growing season in a specific region, may produce a fragrance differing from the same species grown in a different region, many of the main necessary chemical markers and physical specifications will be very similar. Source

After reading this I was sold, I had to try them out. So I decided to order the health & wellness kit which included the same EOs I already bought and when they arrived, I could smell the difference! They were much more powerful (proof of purity?) And guess what? I could put these oils directly on my skin without fearing what may happen. I also noticed I didn't have to use as many drops to achieve the same air refreshing effect as the previous brand I had!

This company has changed my life & I want you to be able to try them out too! Order ANYTHING from their site (excluding the oil of the month club) and receive a 10% discount using my code: Nature

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Starting my Journey

My path to using all natural products started when I became pregnant with my 1st baby, just over 3 years ago now. I, like any other mommy-to-be, wanted only the best for my little one. I quickly learned that some of the products I was using contained potentially harmful chemicals in them and I no longer wanted to use them on my body or in my home. From make-up to cleaning supplies, I began to rid my home of any product that contained: phthalates, parabens or the words fragrance or parfum/perfume. 
I used this website: to help me weed through all the makeup, shampoos & conditioners, hair care products, soaps, deodorant, perfumes, & eventually even toothpaste! They have a lot of great information throughout their whole website.
I have replaced all my beauty & cleaning products with vinegar, baking soda, Castile soap, coconut oil & PURE essential oils & I will never go back. I hope you too will start to look at your products, educate yourself on the ingredients they contain and change your life for the natural.
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